Saturday 17 May 2014

Urusla Brifthaven Stoltz 'drops-in' to the dale...

Once again, it has been a peffa-buzy sun-turn in the dale - as we continue to spread the griffles about The Riddle of Trefflepugga Path - begin writing and illustrating the new book (The Puzzle of the Tillian Wand) and generally try and keep house and leverets in order...  

So it was a peffa-tzorkly surprise when Ursula dropped-in midweek (she never announces it, just arrives, and assumes you'll be there) to insist that we make the first ever Ursula figure - as she was quite  russisculoffed to learn that Matlock had already beaten her to the honour.

Not wishing to disappoint the white hare-witch, she quickly set a pose, demanding it be replicated, and threatening to vroosh us if we didn't comply, before setting off again, high into the lid on her vroffa-broom....

So, the work begun....

Ursula - inevitably, of course - returned to personally inspect her likeness - and rendered it 'Peffa-tzorkly and quite gerrfuffelled!' - leaving us to breathe a ganticus sigh of relief that she liked it so much...  Aah, well another week over....but rumour in Winchett Dale has it that there could be an oidy dripple on its way to see us next week...

We wait and see....


Ursula's completely handmade and saztaculously finished, peffa-tzorkly figure can now be found here on eBay....  May she bring her gerrfufflled tzorkliness to us all...!


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